your guide to

creative abundance

conscious creativity


hi, i’m ronda!

I am an artist, entrepreneur, creativity coach and lover of humanity. I am on a mission to help people transform their lives through the power of their very own creativity. I’m here to help people reconnect with their passion. I’m here help others remember who they are. I’m here to help you remember how to play.

We all basically want the same things, right? We want to be happy, healthy, abundant, accepted and loved. We want to live with authenticity. We want to know that we are living our life purpose. We want to know that our life matters.

I want to share with you the simple tools that have helped me find these things and become the best version of myself. These fun and easy, yet innovative habits can help you become the best version of you too.

Whether it’s taking a class with me, making art together, putting my artwork on your wall, or working with me one on one, I look forward to the opportunity to help you unleash some color, connection, creativity and love into your one wild and precious world. Let’s go find your joy!

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discover the art of creative

pathway to your purpose - the art of play

Try something new

Begin exploring your relationship with creativity and play by trying out any of my free meditations and downloadable projects. Healthy living should also be fun.

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Target Specific Issues

If creative blocks, negative beliefs or other aversions have complicated your relationship with success, abundance and joy, a personalized Conscious Creativity plan might be right for you.

Schedule a consultation

get my free guide

Creating intentions and setting sacred space is a perfect way to begin your creative healing journey. Sign up to get my FREE Conscious Creativity Guide today.

This guide is based on my own personal spiritual routine that has helped me through many creative and difficult life events.

I want to share this simple yet life-changing routine with you to add some hope, color, and creativity to your world — to help you feel a little bit brighter, a little bit more beautiful and a little bit less alone. 


1:1 sessions

The ideal choice if you want personalized guidance that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

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online LESSONS

Explore the transformative power of creativity on your own schedule through my selection of online art and healing lessons.

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Enlighten your creative journey with full access to our beginner-friendly live webinars and events.

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