Hi, I’m Ronda.

I am an artist, entrepreneur, creativity coach and lover of humanity. I am on a mission to help people transform their lives through the power of their very own creativity.

We all basically want the same things, right? We want to be happy, healthy, abundant, accepted and loved. I want to share with you the simple tools and the fun and easy habits that have helped me become the best version of myself. I believe they can help you too.

I am passionate about helping people awaken to their authentic self through gentle, yet radical creativity and contemplation. I believe ART can help unlock the potential that lies inside every person who is feeling out of touch with their purpose. ART can help heal the person who is feeling less than fulfilled.

Whatever your background, whatever your walk of life, it is my sincere hope that my programs will resonate in your creative heart and mind with truth, wisdom and inspiration.

Whether it’s putting a funtastic piece of my everyday artwork on a pillow, a puzzle or on your wall, or taking a class with me and making art together or making a commitment and working with me one on one, my biggest hope is to add a hearty dose of positivity, color and creativity to your everyday world. My greatest pleasure is to help you find your joy!

welcome to my studio

get my free guide

Creating intentions and setting sacred space is a perfect way to begin your creative healing journey. Sign up to get my FREE Conscious Creativity Guide today.

This guide is based on my own personal spiritual routine that has helped me through many creative and difficult life events.

I want to share this simple yet life-changing routine with you to add some hope, color, and creativity to your world — to help you feel a little bit brighter, a little bit more balanced and a little bit less alone. 



It feels like I was just born to create. Ever since I was a child, I have had a creative spark inside.  Raised on a farm amid the natural settings of rural Illinois, I began drawing, painting and making at an early age.  Even then I was contributing my artistic skills to local organizations like my 4-H club and local church VBS programs.

Although I had several art and design classes under my belt when I graduated college with a B.S. in Psychology, my art style and technique is totally self-invented and self-taught. 

I stumbled upon my current collage technique while working as a cognitive life coach in Dallas, TX.  A client and I participated in an Artist’s Way class at a local university.  Out of the final project my new method was born.  The inspiration for my first collection of pieces came from my experience and interest at that time in the profound beauty and meaning of ancient Byzantine iconography.

My artwork and my subject matter have since expanded as has my love for helping others.  I try not to take myself or my art too seriously, preferring to explore, examine and play.  I seek to make Life my Art. As I create, both my life and my art, I wish for them to be enjoyable, encouraging and uplifting.  I wish to share and teach my philosophy of Conscious Creativity - Life as Art to others too.

I am passionate about helping people awaken to their authentic self through gentle, yet radical creativity and contemplation. I believe that art can help unlock the potential that lies inside every person who is feeling less than authentic. Art can help heal the person that is feeling less than fulfilled.

And so, I carry on with love as my leader and joy as my guide.  Who knows where this artistic journey will lead. I hope you will choose to journey with me!