conscious creativity

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conscious creativity



your greatest work of art

Make it

make art. make love. make life.

Hi, I’m Ronda!

I am an artist, entrepreneur, creativity coach and lover of humanity. I am on a mission to help people transform their lives through the power of their very own creativity.

I believe we are all born creators. Somewhere along the way we might lose that spark, maybe because of something someone says. Maybe because of something someone doesn’t say.

I am passionate about helping people awaken to their authentic self through gentle, yet radical creativity and contemplation. I believe that art can help unlock the potential that lies inside every person that is feeling less than authentic. Art can help heal the person that is feeling less than fulfilled.

Whatever your background, whatever your walk of life I hope you find an inspiring word here. I hope you find something in my art that lights you up. I hope you find something in my work that feeds your soul. May you find something in my life that inspires you to fully live your own. - Ronda

conscious creativity

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