Tangled Up in Blue

Oh, the irony!  I know I want to write about the throat chakra.  I know I have so many feelings about this scintillating subject matter.  I know I have ideas.  Great, brilliant, shining ideas.  I know I have important information to share, information that could heal and transform and well…I just don’t know how to get it out of my mouth.  Hence, a perfect example of a blocked throat chakra.  Ok.  So here we go.

Let's talk.  Let's talk chakras.  Specifically, let's talk throat chakra.  It's the energy center located at the center of your neck and if it isn't working properly, you might find it extremely difficult to express yourself.  A throat chakra that is out of balance can throw off your whole chakra system, they say.  Translation: Speak your truth or die.  

In chapter 3 of The Artist's Way, author Julia Cameron introduces us to the term synchronicity.  Synchronicities, in a nutshell, are answered prayers.  They are the answers from the Universe, delivered back to us at our own hand, she says.  Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it, right?  So, what does this have to do with the throat chakra you ask?  Well, let me tell you. 

I’ve had a pretty significant number of synchronicities appear in my day today.  Of course, as a creative, I regularly see synchronicities around me so I’m pretty used to it.  My imagination is regularly full of wonderful patterns, clues and music.  Especially music. The world I live in is alive with synchronicity, especially when I ask…and I always ask.

I woke up from my dream state with an intuitive knowing, a revelation if you will, of some ideas for a few new videos for my YouTube channels.  As I was sitting and drinking my morning coffee, flipping through my Essential Chakra Meditation book, I opened to chapter 8, Throat Chakra Meditation.  It’s blue.  And I know how I get tongue tied.  And in my head, I got the song…Tangled Up in Blue.  Blip.  Blip.  Blip.  Perfect.  I would write about it. 

But then, a few hours later, after I had kindly allowed myself a couple of hours to work in my art studio, I headed over to my computer to check my email.  Josephine Hardman sent me something.  No, she is not my friend, but she is going to help me learn how to tap into the Akashic Records and I get her newsletter, The Weekly Seeker, and I usually like what she has to say so I read her email. 

“One of the ways in which you might disempower yourself is to apologize for your very existence.”

Wow.  Pretty direct.  Well, that’s not me.  I don’t do that.  I’m clear.

“Someone bumps into you at the grocery store, and instinctively you say, “oh so sorry!” (even though THEY bumped into YOU).”

“Or as you’re trying to decide what to do with your partner or friend, you suggest a movie you really want to see, and then you follow up with “if that’s ok with you??” or “but we don’t have to do what I like!” or “unless you want to see something else??”

Oh my gosh.  I do that all of the time.

“So, I’m going to be mindful of how I’m using language – especially how I use language that disempowers me.”

Wait a minute.  Oh my gosh.  Didn’t I just spend a couple of hours yesterday, writing a blog post basically questioning my whole existence and trying to figure out if anyone out there will like me?   Trying to figure out what story I want to write with my life?  Trying to unleash my chains of self-doubt and determine how I can be brave enough to not just talk about it, but actually do it?

“I’m not going to apologize for taking up space.”

“I’m not going to apologize for liking what I like (and not liking what I don’t like).”

“I’m not going to apologize for being loud, or being ‘too quiet’, or being ‘weird’ (oh my gosh that’s ME!), or being an introvert (me too), or being MYSELF in any other way.”

“I’m not going to apologize for my desires.”

“I’m not going to apologize for being abundant.”

“I’m not going to apologize for needing help when I need help.”

“I’m not going to apologize for living my life in the most aligned, authentic, joyful, peaceful way that makes sense to ME.”

“Hey Josephine!  You go girl!  Be brave!

“The language we use is a direct reflection of our level of consciousness, self-worth, self-love, and how much we value and respect ourselves – as well as the people and environment around us.”

“So, from this day forward, choose to quit apologizing for being YOU.”

“(You don’t have to ask for permission either.)”

“The world will benefit from your authenticity and freedom.”

Oh my gosh.  It’s all about opening up my throat chakra.  Truth.  Living in MY truth.  That’s all.  This is what I woke up knowing I needed to do today.  This will not remain Unwritten, Natasha Bedingfield.  I can be Brave and say what I need to say, Sara Bareilles.  I cannot and will not remain Tangled Up in Blue, Bob Dylan.

And here’s the thing.  I know why I have to do this.  I know why I have to get this throat chakra healed…I don’t want to die.

Now I know, this might sound a little bit overdramatic, but let me assure you it’s not.  I’m not even going to apologize for saying it, like I normally would.  I’ll just rephrase it.  I don’t want my essence to die.  I want to live.  I want to thrive.  I want to make magic with my one wild and precious life…and I will.  I am.  I am creating it as we speak.  And you can too.  Good news, right?

So here are some mantras I can repeat as I meditate…you can feel free to use them too:

1.     I am free to express my truth.

2.     I deserve to be heard and understood.

3.     I speak with authenticity.

4.     It is important for me to always express my truth.

If you’d like a Sanskrit mantra, I have one for you to try.  Interestingly enough, I used this mantra in my meditation practice back in the early 2000’s when I was going through one of my major spiritual crises.  Looking back, I definitely see it as a spiritual upleveling.  I definitely had an activation of my kundalini energies and probably other “downloads” or “upgrades” as some might call them.  It was most definitely a time of speaking my truth (going through a divorce) and standing up for the authentic life choices I was making.  It was lifechanging to say the least.

Nevertheless, I am struggling with my throat chakra now.  In more ways than just finding my authentic voice and telling my truth.  I’ll spare you the gory details.  Perhaps it just needs some tweaking or maybe a recalibration.  It definitely wants to move forward.  It definitely wants to be healed.  Onward and upward.  Rejuvenate.  Restore.

The Sanskrit mantra that I used goes like this:

OM MANI PADMI HUM (aum-mah-nee-pad-meh-hoom).  It is said that this mantra opens up the abilities of expression.  Looking back, I think it might have really helped me all those years ago.  It is said that this mantra develops an attunement with the throat chakra.  In fact, you can feel it vibrating the vocal cords when you chant it.  It certainly can’t hurt.

I’m planning on making a couple of meditation videos soon, so look for them on my YouTube channel in the next week or so.  (The Art of Zinnia’s Way YouTube)

I’m also creating a new YouTube channel that will be about all things Art.  (Ronda Makes Art.)  It will align nicely with my new art website rondamakesart.com.  Feel free to check it out if you haven’t seen it already.  Feel free to send your friends over to take a look too.  Buy something from my store or subscribe or leave a comment.  All of these things will help my channels and my website grow.  And be sure to follow me on FB and IG (Ronda Makes Art).  I will be putting together some fun content for those social media platforms as well.  With your help we can do this.  So, let’s make Art.  Let’s make Love.  Let’s make Life.

There.  Now that wasn’t too hard, was it?


It's a Love Thing


Irony, Peace & Pedestals