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I am a born again creative…again and again and again. I try not to take myself or my art too seriously. Life is my Art. In this one, I am choosing the path of exploration, examination and play. This blog is one of my many creative outlets. I believe we are all born creators. Somewhere along the way we might lose that spark, maybe because of something someone says. Maybe because of something someone doesn’t say. May you find an inspiring word here. May you find something in my art that lights you up. May you find something in my work that feeds your soul. May you find something in my life that inspires you to fully live your own. - Ronda

Make Art. Make Love. Make Life.

Tangled Up in Blue
Ronda Szymanski Ronda Szymanski

Tangled Up in Blue

Oh, the irony! I know I want to write about the throat chakra. I know I have so many feelings about this scintillating subject matter. I know I have ideas. Great, brilliant, shining ideas. I know I have important information to share, information that could heal and transform and well…I just don’t know how to get it out of my mouth. Hence, a perfect example of a blocked throat chakra. Ok. So here we go.

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Irony, Peace & Pedestals
Ronda Szymanski Ronda Szymanski

Irony, Peace & Pedestals

"Ohhhh, the irony!" Picture the drama queen, her porcelain figure flung across a red velvet chaise, the back of her hand sweeping slowly and softly across her brow as her eyes peer heavenwards and her iconic tiny, tasty little lips draw up into the perfect kissable bow. In other words, what I'm trying to say, after all of that whatever yesterday about the super blue moon, well, last night's sky was completely filled with clouds. That, my dear, is the perfect irony. I needed that I suppose. I felt cloudy inside. I felt sad. I was releasing and letting go of some old fears and old programming, old attachments. They came out.

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They Might Be Giants - We Might Be Gods
Ronda Szymanski Ronda Szymanski

They Might Be Giants - We Might Be Gods

Well, here I am. It's another day. Yay! Yay! Hooray! Hooray! What comes out for enlightenment today? It is sure to be a scrumptious buffet! A little poetry to start the day? Enough of that...OK?! OK.

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Purpose and Destiny - The Process
Ronda Szymanski Ronda Szymanski

Purpose and Destiny - The Process

Be Aware! Enter carefully. This one is heavy on esoteric imagery, etheric images and enchanting ideas (and videos).

Behold! I am re-understanding what I have been resisting. Bam! It hit's me. Damn! It's my self. My Higher Self.

I am resisting God, my god self. I am resisting ascending. I am resisting moving away from my comforting zone, where I have been hanging out, with or without all those I love. I am resisting moving on, in some unknown capacity, from those I do know and do love. I am resisting my soul purpose, knowing it, for real. I am resisting my destiny, living it, fully.

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What Do We Learn in the Dark?
Ronda Szymanski Ronda Szymanski

What Do We Learn in the Dark?

Choices. Life is full of so many choices. Every day we make them and every day we get closer to or further away from our desires, based on our choices.

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